Bert Oliva

Who’s Watching You?

By Bert Oliva


In today’s day and age, social media is not a choice anymore. It’s a must. And it’s not just a must to keep up with your family and friends. It’s a must for business.

It’s an excellent way to find potential employees and it’s also a great way to keep tabs on your current ones. Moreover, it’s a perfect way to keep in contact with your current clients and garner interest from prospective clients.

Basically, if you’re not on social media, it’s time you get on it. And, if you are on social media, make sure to keep in mind whose eyes may be looking at your posts. Realize that it’s not just your friends or family, but also your employer, coworkers and clients.

This is also something to instill in your children. Social media is so much a part of everyday life for our children that most of them do not think anything of sharing their most intimate secrets with the world. However, their future employers and even future college admissions officials may also be looking. Make sure you have your eyes on their accounts as well.

1) Keep It Consistent – Get the same username on every single social media site so that people can find you easily (for instance, I am “BertOliva” on every platform I am a member of).

2) Clean House – Do a review of all of your social media posts and ask yourself, “Would I mind if my boss/client saw this?” If the answer is yes, remove it.

3) Keep Watch – Keep a watchful eye on your children’s social media. Make sure that they are not posting anything that could negatively affect their futures, or yours.

Live Life,
Bert Oliva

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Bert Oliva

Identity Crisis

By Bert Oliva


Are you an identity thief? Do you have multiple identities that you slip into depending on whom you’re around? Are you the good boy or girl with your parents while you’re the stern scary boss at work or the outgoing fun one when you’re out with your friends?

How many different personas do you have in your wallet? How often do you switch between them throughout the day? Do you even know which one is the true you anymore? Or are you in an identity crisis?

It’s time for you to be you and be the best you, you can be. Stop allowing society, circumstances, and the people around you to dictate who you are and what you do. Life is too short to live under the restrictions of other people’s expectations.

Throw out those false identities and half-truths. Just be you. Those people that matter and are true friends will respect and love you more. And you will be happier than you ever knew possible.

1) Who are you? Write down who you are, what you stand for. Write this using the third person to help you get distance from yourself and the most out of the exercise. (For instance, instead of me writing “I am a…,” I would write “Bert is a…”)

2) Realize this “definition” of you that you just wrote down is fluid. It will change as you grow. Go back to this definition and refine it often. Each time will give you a clearer picture of yourself.

3) Whenever you find yourself in a situation where you are tempted to slip back into an old persona, look at your definition. Ask, “What would this person do in this situation?” Do it.

Live Life,
Bert Oliva

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Bert Oliva

The Ride Of Your Life

By Bert Oliva


In today’s world, we’re never satisfied. We want what we want and we want it yesterday. Immediate gratification seems to be the motto of the modern world. Why wait when you can have it now?

However, anything truly worth having is worth waiting for. It takes six months to create a Rolls Royce, while it only takes 13 hours to create a Toyota. Both are vehicles that will get you form point A to point B, but which will give you the quality of travel you want?

If you want the “Rolls Royce” experience in all aspects of your life, you have to work towards it daily. And you have to be patient. Good things take time and this time is necessary to prepare your mindset for what is coming to you so that you can have long-term results. If you get things before you are mentally prepared, you are much more likely to lose or damage those things. For instance, if you get a Rolls Royce before you have learned how to take care of it, you may damage it even before you get to truly enjoy it.

So, take this time to prepare yourself. Study what you know is coming to you. Prepare yourself for the lifestyle you are building towards. Realize that you are on your path for the long run and know that good things are on their way.

1) Create a clear vision of what it is that you are pushing towards; write it down or create a collage of pictures, whatever works best for you.

2) Write a contract with yourself, telling yourself what it is you are working towards and committing to yourself that you will be patient and keep pushing towards your goal, no matter what happens.

3) Whenever you are doubting, review your vision and contract and remind yourself that you will not quit until you have achieved what you are working towards.

Live Life,
Bert Oliva

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Bert Oliva


By Bert Oliva


If a surgeon came out after performing a surgery on your loved one and told you, “I almost did the procedure correctly,” how would you feel? Almost does not cut it. Yet, how often do we settle for almost in our own lives?

So many of us spend so much of our time “almost” getting things right. We don’t push that extra half hour, that one extra call, that one extra sit up. We let ourselves off the hook. Instead of paying attention to details, we just write off our mistakes or “almost’s” with “next times.” But what happens when there isn’t a next time?

We only get one shot in this life, and that one shot is NOW. Now is the time to focus on the details and now is the time to push with everything you’ve got. Awareness is necessary for success. It is time for each of us to focus our attention on the details so we can get to the next level. I will see you there.

1) What is one thing you need to put your attention to right now to get to the next level?

2) Make a list of the details that need to be addressed for that one thing.

3) Meticulously go down that list of details and address each one until you have accomplished your task.

Live Life,
Bert Oliva

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Bert Oliva


By Bert Oliva


A few summers ago, my family and I were on vacation in Venice and my then 14-year-old daughter got up in front of a crowd of complete strangers and sang a song. Not so well, I might add. But the fact that she did it, unprompted, and completely unabashedly, made everyone in the crowd cheer for her. I could not have been a prouder father had she been graduating from Harvard Law Summa Cum Laude. Why? Because she was completely herself and was shining at her brightest.

It seems ironic as we age and technically “come to know ourselves” more we actually lose a lot of ourselves to shame and shyness. With responsibilities and bills, so-called “respectfulness” and “propriety” seem to set in. We start worrying about “who might see” and “what will they think.”

Who is this amorphous “they”? Who is this all-knowing judge sitting at the sidelines of our lives judging every step we take?

Everyone judges everyone. All of the time. And honestly, most of the time, when people are judging you it is because they are jealous that you had the guts to go out and do something they did not. So, if you’re going to be judged anyways, shouldn’t you at least have fun?

Oftentimes, the biggest judge is actually us. We hold ourselves back because we are embarrassed or we don’t want to make fools of ourselves. But how often do we hold ourselves back from having the time of our lives?

I am an incredibly shy person. A shy professional speaker might seem like an oxymoron, but it’s the truth. In my everyday doings, I am quiet and reserved. So when I saw my daughter singing to the world with all her might, not only was I proud of her, she taught me something. She reminded me that the most important part of life is enjoying it. And you truly can not enjoy it if you are always worrying what other people think. Just be yourself and sing loud and proud. Those who love you will love you more, and those who judge you will be jealous of the fun you’re having.

1)The next time you immediately find yourself saying “No” to an opportunity even though somewhere inside you want to say “Yes,” take a moment to breathe.

2) Ask yourself “What’s the worst that can happen if I say ‘Yes’?” Usually, the so-called consequences are not much. Perhaps a little embarrassment, if that.

3) Now ask yourself “Will I regret it tomorrow if I say ‘No’?” Life is too short for regret. If you will have even a little regret tomorrow, you should definitely take a chance and go for it.

Live Life,
Bert Oliva

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Bert Oliva


By Bert Oliva


I’ll do better tomorrow. I’ll do better tomorrow. Tomorrow. Tomorrow…

The days flip by like a page-a-day calendar. At the end of each day, we tell ourselves “I’ll do better tomorrow,” rip off the page, and toss it. But what happens the day when there isn’t a new fresh page? When there isn’t a tomorrow?

As cliché as it may sound, tomorrow truly is not promised. This evening is not promised. Your next breath isn’t promised.

It’s time to start making the most of every moment you have on this earth, because, believe me, it will be shorter than you think it will be. We all waste so much time worrying and putting off and wishing and complaining that we forget to live. We forget to enjoy every moment and make the most of every moment.

The time to do better is now. That’s NOW. Not tomorrow, or next week, but right this very moment.

1) Make a list of three things you can do this week to change your quality of life.

2) Choose one of these things, set a deadline for yourself, and do it.

3) Tackle the second item on your list. And then the third.

Live Life,
Bert Oliva

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Bert Oliva


By Bert Oliva


Where are you right now? Where are you in your life? In achieving your goals and dreams? If each day you do not feel you are moving one step closer to your goals and if each night you do not go to bed feeling satisfied with what you have achieved, then it is time to move. It is time for you to reevaluate.

We all get comfortable at times. And comfort is not a bad thing. Everyone needs comfort from those closest to them, but when we allow ourselves to grow so comfortable in our lives that our lives begin to stagnate, then it is time to move.

The only way to achieve the things that you want to achieve—those things that keep you up at night, those things that you find yourself daydreaming about, those things you keep saying “If only” to—is to make a move. In this world, things do not just come to you, unless you do something to attract them, unless you make the first move.

Stop thinking about what you want to do and go out and do it.

1) Take some time and write down what your dreams are. Create a clear vision of what you want to achieve and do in your life.

2) Take an honest look at where you are in your life right now. Is it where you want to be? Are you on track with the ultimate vision for yourself?

3) Take the parts of your life that are not on track with your vision and reevaluate them. What can you do to shift them? What small steps can you take each day to work closer to your ultimate dreams?

Live Life,
Bert Oliva

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Bert Oliva


By Bert Oliva


I’m a really focused person. Once I’ve set my eyes on something or said I’m going to do something, I will not quit until I’ve accomplished it. This personality quality is something that has enabled me to be incredibly successful over the years. And it’s something that I pride myself on and have honed to help me be even more successful.

However, this tenacious drive, which so many of us have, can also be very detrimental. It can lead to lack of sleep, extra physical and mental stress on the body, and even loss of focus. Thus, as with everything in life, balance is key. Being tenacious and driven is vital to succeeding in anything we set our minds to, but we also must know when to take a break and allow ourselves to rest and recoup.

If we keep pushing without resting, we will eventually burn out and not achieve our goals to the best of our abilities, if at all. On the other hand, when we allow ourselves a mental and physical break from the task at hand, we usually come back with new ideas, more excitement, and outperform ourselves.

Learn when to call it quits for a few hours, or even a day, and rest. You will be pleasantly surprised when you come back to your work.

1) Set a time deadline for when you will be ending your work day today.

2) Set an alarm on your phone, and when it goes off, call it quits. Put your phone on vibrate, close your computer, etc. Put your feet up and relax. Spend some quality time with a family member. Enjoy the moment you are in fully.

3) Get yourself ready for bed early and be in bed in time to get at least 6 hours of rest tonight. You will thank yourself in the morning.

Live Life,
Bert Oliva

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Bert Oliva


By Bert Oliva


What is risk? The dictionary defines it as the possibility of suffering harm or loss; danger. Yes that is correct but isn’t it also the possibility of reaping major benefits? Risk is a tricky subject because when you take a risk it is never certain what the outcome will be. It can be good or bad, but risk is necessary. You must take risks to become prosperous. If you only play it cautiously most likely you will not ever have that considerable deal of great success. You will have your good and bad days and you will have your good and bad months but never an outrageous day or month.

Many times in my life I have had to put it on the line and go for it. Leaving Xerox was risky however years later I have established my life in leadership coaching and motivational speaking. A big risk that paid off because I followed my dream.

Bill Gates himself took a risk by dropping out of Harvard to chase a dream. But look what happened, he became one of the richest men in the United States and has made himself a household name. Risk is good as long as you don’t let it fly out of proportion. Remember too much of a good thing is always bad. So go out today and take a risk whether it’s big or small and see where it takes you, and you will have learned another lesson in life.

Until next time.


“Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark; professionals built the Titanic.” – Unknown

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Bert Oliva

You Are The Responsible One!

By Bert Oliva


There are times when you think that the world has not met your expectations, times when you judge the world and everyone around you.

But what happens when the world judges you? Do you need validation from others to get through your day? Do you wait for someone to notice your haircut, your new watch or your fast car?

Well, I have news for you, you don’t need validation form anyone but yourself. You need to evaluate your goals, your dreams, your accomplishments and see how and where they align. You need to validate you.

You need to tend to your own needs and make sure you follow up, do the work and make it happen, rather than wait for your loved ones, or friends to think about getting it done for you. When you really want something done in your life, you need to get up (G.O.Y.A. = get off your assets) and get it done.

Whatever the outcome of your efforts are, they are yours, good or bad. But when you really give it your all and fail, if you did not get the results you wanted, know that it just was not time.

But when you do make continuous strides toward the end goal, you eventually get it. Just be aware not to give up too soon, sometimes, it is that one extra push that makes it over the hurdle. And you have the power to do it if you have the desire make it.

And when you do make it, you do not need validation, just some friends for the celebration!

Until next time.


“Ninety-nine percent of all failures come from people who have a habit of making excuses.” – George Washington Carver

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