Bert Oliva

How Are You?

By Bert Oliva


“How are you?” How often do you hear that question throughout the day? How often do you ask it? When was the last time you answered truthfully or really listened?

“How are you?” has become synonymous with “Hello.” In fact, there have been times when I have asked someone how they are and when they start to tell me truthfully, I find myself internally rolling my eyes. Don’t they know they’re just supposed to say “Good and you?” It’s not the beginning of a conversation. It’s just a polite interaction. Right?

Why? Why is it that we can’t take five minutes out of our oh-so-busy lives to truly find out how another person is doing? To connect on a human-to-human level and just listen?

Every single person on this earth craves human connection. In fact, babies get sick if they do not have enough human contact. The same goes with adults. We all need to truly connect with other people. Face to face. Hand to hand. Heart to heart.

I love to travel. One of my favorite things about traveling used to be meeting new people on the airplane. The next time you go to the airport, or anywhere that you have to wait for a bit, look around. It will be hard to find even a single person without some kind of device in their hands. You’ll see even less people engaged in face-to-face conversations.

Though our modern-day gadgets make it simple to get in touch with someone, they keep us out of touch at the same time. Social media is a fantastic way to keep in touch with people and to build new connections, but it is also easy to fall into talking more than you listen. So often it seems we are more concerned with posting that great pic before we forget the funny caption or replying to someone’s status first, than actually having substance to our interactions. Though social media is virtual, the connections can be very real and very valuable, if you invest the time in them.

It’s important to invest time in every relationship. However, in today’s world, it is all too easy to fall into the “too busy” and “I don’t have time” traps. Everyone is busy. Everyone has a lot of stuff to do, but everyone also needs to hear “How are you?” from someone truly ready to listen to them once in awhile too.

Live Life,
Bert Oliva

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Bert Oliva

Excuse Me…

By Bert Oliva


Life gets overwhelming for all of us at times. This past month has been particularly hard for myself and my team. We’ve been so busy with events and various personal obligations that we’ve let some of the “little” things slide: a daily journal entry…exercise…even this newsletter.

We all had excuses as to why we’d let some things slip through the cracks and they are extremely valid: Alexa’s surgery, Val’s grandmother, my children going back to school…

However, to be truly successful, no excuse, no matter how valid it may be, is acceptable. If you want to succeed, you must hold yourself to a higher standard.

Remember, it’s doing all the small little details right every time that makes you a success. Excellence doesn’t happen once. It happens always.

If you’ve been excusing yourself away lately, stop it. It’s time to get back on your routines and get your commitments done. You are worth too much and have too many talents to hide them away under a pile of excuses.

Live Life,

Bert Oliva

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Bert Oliva

The Path Less Traveled

By Bert Oliva


In today’s world of texts, Snapchats, Instagrams, and so much more, communication time has been reduced to microseconds. Everything we do nowadays is at such a fast and furious pace we hardly have time to breathe or take time to make decisions.

Moreover, in this day of instant communication and instant gratification, our patience level on a whole has been greatly reduced. At least I know it has been for me. When I was younger, I enjoyed waiting for letters in the mail; now email is too slow and if you haven’t responded to my text within a minute or two, I’m annoyed and wondering if something is wrong. Can you relate to this feeling?

I think a lot of this high-speed philosophy of our modern age has also seeped into the way we work and the way we think about work. Oftentimes, I find myself thinking, “There has to be an easier way. A way of less resistance. One where I can get what I want now and I don’t have to work for it.” And the truth of the matter is, in today’s world where nearly every ounce of humankind’s knowledge is available to us from a single mobile search, there probably is. At least, there’s a shortcut to seeming like we’ve gotten to where we want to go.

For instance, there is so much knowledge out there on being a great soccer player, that I could easily learn the terminology, the plays, and even some of the theory behind the sport in probably a matter of a week. But sounding like a soccer player won’t give me the ability to actually play the game as months, or better yet years, of physical practice and whole-hearted dedication will.

The path of least resistance is not always the best option. In fact, it usually isn’t. Not when it comes to something that truly matters; something that we want to master. Though you can gain knowledge at an instant, it is only through true experience and personal application of that knowledge that we master it and it becomes our own.

QUOTE THIS: “If you can find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn’t lead anywhere.” -Frank Clark

1) The next time you find yourself wanting something to be easier, ask yourself if what you are trying to achieve is worth having. Is it something you truly want?

2) If this is something you truly want, then envision yourself achieving it. Close your eyes or write down in your journal exactly how you will feel and where you will be when you achieve it. Will you feel accomplished? Will you be proud? Will all of your hard work have paid off? Who will be with you? Make this vision as complete as it possibly can be for yourself.

3) Now that you have this complete vision of this goal, is this a place that you can get to instantaneously or by taking shortcuts? Even if you could skip ahead and be there already, would the accomplishment feel the same without all the hard work that went into it? Realize that the only way it will truly become your achievement and a worthwhile one is through your hard work and persistence, take a deep breath, and then take one more step toward your goal. You will get there. And the accomplishment will be all yours.

Live Life,
Bert Oliva

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Bert Oliva

This Is The Week!

By Bert Oliva


This is the week where the relationships you have wanted to rekindle or strengthen start happening.

This is the week where you are opening your eyes and viewing things in a way you have not in a very long time.

All success begins with a positive mindset. If you are not in a positive mindset, you are setting yourself up for failure and a lot of pain and disappointment. Stop. Make this your week.

I read an article recently by Marwan Jamal entitled “10 Things Highly Productive People Don’t Do.” It’s an excellent read. Though I love the entire list, my favorite is “3. They don’t sabotage themselves.” Everyone is human and everyone is not “perfect” or as productive as they can be every day. The difference between highly productive people and less productive people is that those who are highly productive do not beat themselves up over their mishaps. They simply focus on the positive and move forward.

This is the kind of positive mindset we should all strive for this week. Stop self-sabotaging. Stop focusing on the bad and start focusing on what is coming to you this week. Foster a deep belief within yourself that everything is coming together for you. Focus on what you are attracting. The good things, events, and people that are coming into your life. This is your week.

1) Train Your Brain: One of my favorites tools that I use personally to help me focus on the positive and keep my mind open to attracting the good things in life are affirmations. An affirmation is a positive phrase you repeat to yourself which describes how you want to be. The idea behind this is that you focus your mind on these positive thoughts, curbing your negative thoughts. And the more you focus on these positive thoughts, the more you will attract positivity into your life. Make a list of three affirmations for yourself. They can be as simple as “This is my week,” “I am confident,” etc.

2) Write It Down: Write these affirmations down on at least 3 cards and place them in various areas where you will see them often: your bathroom mirror, in your car, in your desk drawer at work, etc.

3) Repetition is Key: Every time you see one of these cards, repeat your affirmations to yourself. If possible, repeat them out loud. Our words are incredibly powerful. And the words we speak aloud even more so. Every time you speak your affirmations, feel yourself already acting or being what is on your card. Know that you are attracting positivity in your life.

Live Life,
Bert Oliva

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Bert Oliva

Words To Live By

By Bert Oliva


Times are tough. Everyone is struggling with something. Bills. Illness. Stress. So much more.

All of these things linger in the backgrounds of our minds and cause us to second-guess ourselves. They distract us and shake our faith.

This loss of faith can be very subtle. You keep taking every step. Making every call. Doing everything you are supposed to do, but not with the right energy, so you don’t get the right results. Subconsciously, you’re waiting to fail. You’re self-sabotaging.

Worse yet, these background distractions aren’t going anywhere. There will always be another bill, another to-do, another unwelcomed surprise.

It’s time to change our focus from the background to the foreground. It’s time for each of us to come from a united knowing, an absolute certainty, that utter success, stability, and everything else we each want is coming to us.

Instead of questioning why you are here in this place and what you did to deserve this, look at it from the other perspective. It’s amazing where you are right now. Look at everything you have accomplished. Look at the skills you have polished and learned.

The fact that you have survived everything you have gone through, especially with all of your self-doubt, is amazing and speaks to your character and also to God’s plan for you. Lesser people would have given up by now.

Stop making excuses and stop looking for quick fixes. Create your goal, one single goal, and focus on it. Do it positively, with certainty, and without doubt, and you will achieve it.

Work on creating an atmosphere of positivity around you, of attracting success. Start looking at each of your tasks not as stresses, burdens, or futile things that won’t work, but rather as building blocks—stairs that you are climbing to bring success in.

Now is not the time for hope. It’s the time for faith. Faith in the world, in your team, in yourself. Failure is not even a possibility.

1) Write down what is in the background of your mind. Any worries or stresses your subconscious mind may be putting attention to. Oftentimes simply writing down what is on your mid will bring you clarity and help you to realize not everything is as bad as you have made it out to be.

2) If there is anything that you can do to lessen the burden of these worries, do it. Stop putting it off. Take action. If you can not take action right now, allow yourself to put these items on hold for the moment. Do not put any attention towards them until you have accomplished what you need to do today.

3) Now that your background distractions are literally out of your mind, it’s time to focus on the here and now. What do you need to do today? Do not set yourself up for failure. If you have been struggling to accomplish all of the tasks you have set for yourself each day, cut down the number of tasks, etc. Or split larger tasks into to smaller, easier tasks. This will set you up to achieve, which will put you in a positive state of mind.

Live Life,
Bert Oliva

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Bert Oliva

Time To Say Yes!

By Bert Oliva


How often do you say “No” to things? Truly? How many times have people invited you to do something or go somewhere and you have turned them down? “No” seems to be the go-to answer for most people nowadays.

I recently realized that I have ended up in a bit of a rut. Friends or family would ask me to do things and I would not go. Not because I had other plans but because I just did not feel like it. In fact, at least for me, there have been times when I find myself saying “No” in my mind before I have even finished hearing a person out. Our lives are so rushed with family, work, and other obligations that our subconscious mind wants to protect us from more exhaustion and says “No” before we really give the situation any thought.

It’s okay to not say “Yes” to every invitation. And it’s okay to listen to your inner self when something is telling you that you do not feel like doing something. However, everything must be done in moderation. And if you want to grow, it’s important to push yourself outside your comfort zone on a regular basis. And I had not been doing that. I had gotten too comfortable in my same old routine. I had gotten lazy. I had gotten stuck in the “No” mindset.

So, this past weekend I got invited to a family party. And, surprise, I did not want to go. However, I pushed past those feelings. I pushed myself to get dressed and join my family at this celebration. And you know what? I had a lot of fun! I reconnected with people I had not seen in ages. And I met some new people. It felt great to be out of my regular routine with people I love and seeing everyone have fun. Being outside my routine also recharged me and got me excited for the week ahead.

So, the next time you find yourself saying “No,” ask yourself why you are saying it. Do you have legitimate reasons? Or have you simply gotten too comfortable in your routine? If you just “don’t feel like it,” push past that. Take the invitation. Take the opportunity. Take the chance. You never know who you will meet, where you may end up, or what creativity might be stimulated inside you. Go ahead, say “Yes”!

1) This week, do not say “No” to any invitation, unless you have other plans. This is a “Yes” week!

2) After each event or invitation that you take this week, analyze it a bit. What positives came out of it? What would you have missed had you said “No”?

3) Whenever you “don’t feel like” doing something, take a moment to figure out where that feeling is coming from. Does it have merit? Have you been working really hard lately, etc.? Or are you just too comfortable and don’t want to push yourself out of your comfort zone? If that’s the case, then it’s the perfect time for growth and to say “Yes.”

Live Life,
Bert Oliva

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Bert Oliva

Better By Mistake

By Bert Oliva


“Mistake” is a bad word in a lot of people’s minds. A lot of people seem to think they are meant to do everything perfectly all of the time and get very angry with themselves and others when they make mistakes. When I was younger, I had no patience for anyone’s mistakes, even my own.

However, mistakes happen. We all make them. No matter how perfect we each think we are or how perfectly we believe we are doing things, there are times when we will make mistakes. It’s just part of life. In fact, the word “mistake” by its very definition means an unintentional error.

The real question is whether we learn from our mistakes. Do you find yourself making the same mistake over and over again? If so, that is because you have yet to learn the lesson from that mistake. Whenever I make a mistake now, I take time to analyze it. To figure out exactly what happened and what the lesson I needed to learn from it was. More often than not, the lesson I have learned is usually a very good one and/or causes me to change directions in something I am working on that leads to a much better, yet unexpected result.

My personal rule is that I only get upset with my mistakes if I repeat them. That simply means I have not taken the time to figure out exactly where I went wrong to begin with. We all make mistakes, it’s whether we learn from our mistakes or not that determines our own

1) The next time you make a mistake, stop for a moment. If you are the type of person who beats yourself up over your mistakes, pause. Breathe and remind yourself that mistakes happen. If you are the type of person who does not give one thought to your own mistakes and who keeps moving at a million miles per second, pause as well. Breathe and fully take in the mistake you have made just for a moment.

2) Regardless of your personality, take a minute and write down the mistake you just made, preferably in your journal. If you have the time at the very moment, write down the circumstances and what you may have done in error to cause that mistake. If you do not have the time, go back to this page in your journal that same evening and write about the mistake. Analyze what you could have done better, where your mistake was and what you are meant to learn from it. Did the mistake cause you to realize something you would not have otherwise? Did it show you something you had been overlooking? Every mistake has a message. Find it.

3) Now that you know the lesson from your mistake, let yourself off the hook. Realize that blame is not a helpful emotion. Instead, work on your awareness so that you do not repeat your same mistake.

Live Life,
Bert Oliva

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Bert Oliva

Keep Them Open

By Bert Oliva


How often do you find yourself closing your eyes wishing whatever experience you’re in goes away faster? Wishing that the miracle that you have been waiting for was already here? Wishing to get off the roller coaster of emotions and events that you have been going through and just get back on solid ground?

Here’s the thing. Situations and circumstances do not happen on our terms. They happen as they are meant to happen in order to get us ready for what is about to come. Yes, that can be frustrating at times. I know there are moments when I just want to close my eyes and wish myself into next week or even next month, but life doesn’t work that way.

Life is not solid ground. Life is a ride, with ups and downs and some plateaus in between. Many people I know get off the ride right before they are about to make it big or hit the goal they have been working towards for years. Why? Because it’s hard. But, no one said it would be easy. And everything worth something in this world is worth working for. Moreover, a lot of the fun is the ride to get to our destination, not the destination itself.

It’s time we stop white-knuckling life, closing our eyes and wishing ourselves off of our ride. Instead, let’s all keep our eyes open. Not every twist and turn will be fun, but as long as you have hope, it will be an experience you’ll never forget and you will get to where you were meant to be.

1) The next time you find yourself wishing to fast forward through part of your life, write down what you have to look forward to in the next hour, day, or week. If you can not think of anything to look forward to, look harder. It can be as simple as having a good cup of coffee or sharing a joke with a coworker. We all have things to look forward to. And sometimes, the smallest ones are the best.

2) Throughout this time, keep looking back at your list and focus on these positive things. Whenever you find yourself wanting to skip ahead, re-focus your attention on these good things.

3) As the time passes, look back at your list and add to it. What else happened that you would have missed out on? Realize how many good things happen in your life on a daily basis that you take for granted. Remember, if you don’t think every day is a good day, just try missing one.

Live Life,
Bert Oliva

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Bert Oliva

Not How I Planned It!

By Bert Oliva


What do you do when things do not go as planned? When your car breaks down or you get a phone call that changes your plans for the day? Do you get angry? Do you get frustrated? Or do you take the situation for what it is and keep moving forward?

We’re all human. We all get frustrated and annoyed at times, especially when plans fall through or change due to circumstances beyond our control. The question is, how long do you feel that way? Do you allow yourself to feel your initial reaction to the situation and then continue with you day in whatever way it turns out to be? Or do you allow your initial reaction to control how the rest of your day goes?

If you tend to do the second one, you are not alone. However, that also means there is still work to be done. If you work on going with the flow more and not allowing situations and circumstances to upset you, you will have more happier and fulfilling moments throughout your life.

Remember, the one thing in life that is constant is change. One of my favorite sayings in life
is “We plan, God laughs.” So, the next time plans don’t go your way, go ahead and laugh along with him. It’s much more fun.

1) The next time something happens that changes your plans, give yourself one minute to feel your initial reaction. Whether it be frustration, annoyance, anger, etc., everything goes for one minute. If you can, write down your feelings or let them out in another form for that minute.

2) Once that minute is up, it’s time to change your state. For at least 30 seconds, do something totally out of your norm to get yourself out of your mood. Do some jumping jacks, dance, sing your favorite song, etc. Do something that will get your mind off your emotions.

3) Now that you’re back in the driver’s seat of your emotions, look for the positive. What’s the benefit of having your meeting cancelled this morning? Do you have more time to prepare? If your significant other has to miss your special date tonight, that gives you time to spend with you, etc. It may be small and require thinking out of the box, but every negative truly has a positive. Find yours.

Live Life,
Bert Oliva

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Bert Oliva

You Are What You Think

By Bert Oliva


Our brains are amazing. Truly. They are organic machines that are more capable of things than any one of us is truly aware of. One of the things that many of us do not realize is how our brains can help us get what we want. Our mindset is as important, if not more important, than the actions we take and the choices we make. In order to achieve any goal, we must work on having a mindset that corresponds with that goal. We must believe we can achieve that goal; see ourselves achieving it; know that we are going to achieve it.

The “Law of Attraction” has become a buzzword lately. However, that does not make the concept of it any less true. The Law of Attraction means that like attracts like. The more you focus on something, the more likely you are to attract that into your life. This is because subconsciously you will be more aware of opportunities that enter into your life that will give you what you are focusing on. And you are more likely to make choices, consciously and subconsciously, to achieve whatever it is that you are focusing on.

However, this concept is true for both negative and positive things, so be careful with what you focus on and what you want. Start paying attention to your thoughts and words. Start spending time with people who have similar goals or who have what you want. Like attracts like, so be with the people that you want to become like. Think the thoughts of what you want to become. The more you get your mindset and your everyday life to align with your goals and aspirations, the more quickly you will get what you want and become what you want.

1) What is it that you want out of your life? What is your current goal? Write it down. Place it somewhere where you can see it regularly.

2) Are you spending time with people who align with this goal? Doing activities that will help attract opportunities to achieve it? If not, start spending a little time with people who do and/or doing activities that do.

3) Start paying attention to what you say and think. Do these thoughts and words align with what you want in your life? If not, start changing your thoughts and words. Do this by replacing one or two “Power Words” at time. For instance, if you say “No” a lot, replace it with “Yes, but not right now,” etc.

Live Life,
Bert Oliva

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