Bert Oliva

You Are…

By Bert Oliva


When you get up in the morning and look in the mirror, what do you see?

Do you see bags under your eyes? Lines around your lips? Extra weight in your cheeks?

Or do you see bright eyes? A crisp smile? Laughter in your cheeks?

You are beautiful. Yes, you. Just the way you are. You are an amazing human being with tremendous potential.

You have a gorgeous spirit that is aching to come out at full force and affect the world around you in ways you can not imagine possible.

You have talents that need honing. Thoughts that need sharing. Laughter that needs expressing.

You are absolutely, positively perfect, just the way you are.

Sure, you have improvements that you want to make on yourself. Some physical, some mental. Some work-related, some personal.

However, everything that you need to make those improvements is already within you.

You have all the answers that you are seeking. You simply have to start listening to yourself.

Get to know yourself. Love yourself. And share yourself.

You are greatest gift you can ever give to the world. You are amazing.

Live Life,
Bert Oliva


  1. Susana  October 1, 2014

    Thank you for always providing uplifting words. Do appreciate it. Take care Bert.


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