Bert Oliva

We Need Change

By Bert Oliva


The only thing that is constant in our world is change. Truly. Every single moment you breathe in, the moment you were in has been lost. Everything is changing all of the time.

So, why is it that most of us have trouble with change? Because we are creatures of habit. Our brains like to make patterns and sense out of things. That’s difficult to do when drastic change occurs, which is why so much of our subconscious mind fights change with every ounce of our being. This is why you find yourself unnerved, uncomfortable, and even angry when chance occurs. Your subconscious mind is literally fighting the facts of the situation.

However, when we alter our view of change, it eases our subconscious minds. Embrace change. Change is a good thing. It’s a necessity. With change comes new opportunities, new challenges, and new experiences.

Start getting excited about change. No matter what is on the horizon, when you embrace change, you are ready for the next challenge.

Live Life,
Bert Oliva

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