Bert Oliva

Remembering the Good Old Days

By Bert Oliva


Why is it that everyone is always looking back? Most people spend a lot of their time looking back at the “good old days,” when things were “much better.”

There are some great days ahead of you, but you have to believe that. Some of the best days in your life haven’t happened yet. However, if you are too busy looking back and seeing what you left behind, you are going to miss out on what is coming. Most people do.

Look forward. Stop looking back and seeing what you used to do. Look forward and see what is coming and what you are going to do. Because only great things can come to you if you look forward. You do not have time to keep looking back

Reminiscing is a wonderful activity. Just do not allow yourself to get stuck in the past. What you are looking for is right in front of you. Stay focused. Stay on track. And you will succeed.

Live Life,
Bert Oliva

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