Bert Oliva


By Bert Oliva


Our lives are cycles. We are born, we live, and one day we will pass away. Within this large life cycle are many smaller cycles. We have cycles of education, cycles of relationships, and even cycles of business.

The beauty of these cycles is that there is always a chance for rebirth, for changing ourselves, our circumstances, and our lives. As a cycle comes to a close, there is another beginning that may be even more exciting, with more opportunity and inspiration.

Enjoy riding the cycles of your life like you enjoyed riding a bicycle as a child. Life goes up and down. There are moments that you will not be utterly happy and there are moments that you will be completely ecstatic.

All of these moments are fleeting and each is a gift in and of itself because each is a chance for you do to some introspection. Look within and see if you are happy with whom you are and whom you have become. If you do not like something you see, change it. Begin a new cycle. Start a rebirth for yourself. You hold all the power within your own hands.

Live Life,
Bert Oliva

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