Bert Oliva

Push Yourself

By Bert Oliva


How many times are you missing out on an opportunity because you did not want to push yourself just a little more?

Do you catch yourself making excuses on why you do not meet new people?

How about just saying “I need to sleep in on Saturday just a little more”.

How many times do you need to be reminded that you need to G.O.Y.A. (Get Off Your Assets)?

Does your business need leads, referrals, or prospects? Could your life do with some more REAL friends and people who think like you?

Then there is no excuse, get on the phone ask some friends or colleagues what is happening this weekend and find a great way to learn and meet new friends and clients. There is a surprising amount of social groups in your community that range from every hobby or interest you can think of. And if in any case you do not find a fitting group, make your own! Get out there and push yourself to go to the next level!

Until next time.



“What you resist, persists.” – Bert Oliva 

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