Bert Oliva

How Aware Are You?

By Bert Oliva


How aware are you?

How often does it feel like things just “happen” to you?

How often do you feel like the victim?

How often do you feel out of control?

Remember, situations and circumstances are what build your character to get you ready for what is about to come.

However, you must take action. You must make decisions.

For the most part, things do not just “happen” to you. They happen as a result of your choices or lack of choices; your actions or lack of actions.

You are not a victim. The only one who can make you feel like a victim is you. Stop allowing that to happen.

Try one or all of these PowerTools™:

1) If you are having a difficult time with someone in your life, the next time you are upset with them, just step back and take notice. Were they being themselves or were they out to hurt you? Sometimes it has nothing to do with you and everything to do with them.

2) Next time something like a speeding ticket happens to you think, “Is this a bad day or did I make a wrong choice?” If it is a wrong choice, who controlled that situation?

You are in control. You are in the driver’s seat. Open your eyes and choose to start living your life your way.

Live Life,

Bert Oliva

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