Bert Oliva

Are You Lying to Yourself?

By Bert Oliva


How is what you’re doing working for you? Think about it. Where are you spending most of your time? What are the things you are doing most often? How is this working for you?

Be honest. Is it working? Or are you doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results? That is what Einstein called a form of insanity.

Many of us want different and/or better things in our lives, but we do not want to change what we are doing in our lives in order to achieve these things. We tend to look at our current habits and actions and think they are working for us. We actually lie to ourselves because it is easier to keep the status quo and stay with the familiar than to venture out into the unknown.

This is human nature; however, if you want different things in your life, now is the time for you to take a step back and truly look at what you have been doing and whether it is working for you.
If it hasn’t, then you have to change it. Now. Not tomorrow. Not next week or next month. Change it now. You need to change it now if you want results.

It is easy to say “Tomorrow. I will start tomorrow.” Yet, as we all know, tomorrow is not promised. You never know what is in store for you tomorrow. If you want to change something, the only time you can begin that change is right now, this very instant. If not, you will look back and before you know it, days, weeks, months, and even years will have gone by and you will be stuck in the same place doing the same things still expecting different results.

Do not waste the opportunity you have right now. Create that change today.

Live Life,
Bert Oliva

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