Bert Oliva

Pride Full

By Bert Oliva


What comes to mind when you hear someone state the phrase, “I’m proud”? Do you feel happy for the person? Jealous? Do you think the person is arrogant or entitled?

Society has taught us that pride is not really a good thing. Oftentimes we immediately rush to judgment on someone who is proud and states it to the world.

However, pride—within moderation—is a necessity. To achieve anything in this world, you must take pride in yourself and do everything with pride. If you want the world to respect you and support you, you must be certain of who you are and for what you stand. Do not be embarrassed to share your message, goals, and dreams.

Have certainty in all that you do. It will not always be easy. And human nature tends to have us hide in the shadows till we feel truly successful. We don’t want to set ourselves up for failure. What if our efforts are for nothing? Isn’t it nicer for us to fail in the shadows where no one knows?

No. In Spanish we have a saying, “el que no llora no mama,” which literally means a baby that doesn’t cry will not eat. Basically, those who do not ask, will not get anything. To be truly successful, you need the support of others—your loved ones, your colleagues, your clients, the public. That support is what is going to make the difference and sky rocket you to your ultimate success. You must be vocal to get that support though.

Yes, your efforts may not be an utter success right away, but telling the world will push you to work that much harder on your efforts. And those who know what you are working toward will hold you accountable to what you have committed yourself. Foster pride and certainty within yourself. People will resonate with those feelings. You can not expect to grow and expand yourself if you are going to keep everything you want all to yourself.

Live Life,
Bert Oliva

Quote This:
“It’s a fine thing to rise above pride, but you must have pride in order to do so.” –Georges Bernanos

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