So, I’m really uncomfortable. I mean, sincerely, uncomfortable right now. Why? Because I decided to switch my cell phone from an iPhone to an Android. Sounds silly right? Well, I must spend at least 70% of my work day on my phone. I use it for everything: email, motivational moments, writing, filming, research…it is my go-to tool for just about any task you give me. In fact, I’d have to say I’m way more comfortable on a phone than on a computer. And faster too.
Well, I used to be. That is, until I decided to turn my world upside down two weeks ago and switch operating systems. I’ve been an iPhone user since iPhone first came out; I loved the devices. I became so brand loyal that I “Apple-ized” my home and office; I switched out all the PC’s for macs, added Apple routers, even Apple TV’s. My life was easy because everything connected and worked well.
So, why would I decide to upset this sturdy foundation I had setup for myself by getting a different type of phone? Truly? I was intrigued. The Samsung Note was a phone I was interested in playing with since it first came out but I never had the guts to risk it. So I finally decided to take the plunge. The only way I was going to really figure out if I liked it or not was playing with it for a bit, so I did it.
And you know what? I love it. There are options I didn’t know were possible. The customization is next to none. It’s a lot of fun. And there some things it can do that my iPhone just couldn’t.
But, I’m still uncomfortable. I still haven’t found all the right apps for all of my work processes. I haven’t mastered the new steps it takes me to film a motivational moment or anything else. It all still feels very foreign to me at times. I have definitely found myself asking myself “Why on earth did I do this?” at my most frustrated moments.
I’m truly not sure if I will stick with Android or go back to iPhone, but I’m glad I decided to take the leap, even if it is temporarily. Pushing myself outside of my comfort zone has been a great exercise. It’s also forced me to research apps and make sure I am on top of all of the latest developments in my field. Had I not been pushed, I may have stayed stagnate.
This phone story may seem silly to you, but it can be applied to any aspect of our lives. Whenever we get too comfortable, we do not push ourselves to grow as much and begin to stagnate. I’m not saying go out and change your phone; all I’m saying is it’s good to “shake things up” a bit for yourself from time to time.
Live Life,
Bert Oliva