Bert Oliva

Today’s Advice

By Bert Oliva


Advice is everywhere nowadays. Thanks to social media you will find so-called “experts” spouting advice on every single platform you visit. Yet, how often do you check the credibility of these experts?

As information is so readily available in the modern world, it is twice as vital that we each do our due diligence before choosing someone’s advice to follow. Figure out exactly what you want to learn and then find a true expert to help you.

If you want to be extremely wealthy, do not simply choose the person that looks to have the most glamorous life on Instagram. Instead, do some research. Does that person actually live the quality of life you want? Or are they simply posing?

It is vital to make sure that the people you choose to get advice from are actual living what it is they are teaching. Remember, it is very easy to give advice, yet it is much harder to actually live the advice you give. We as human beings love to talk about things. We love to give the so-called “obvious” answers because it is just so much easier to see other people’s problems rather than to be introspective and look within ourselves. However, the only people you want to take advice from are those who have had the guts to be introspective and who are constantly working on improving themselves.

Find the real experts in your circle. They may not be the people who are touting themselves as such. They may be your neighbor, your coworker, or even the parking attendant. Every person has something to teach you if you are open to it. However, you have to make sure you are fully clear on what it is you are looking for in your life.

The saying, “The teacher will come when the student is ready,” is incredibly valid. Get your mind set on what it is you want in your life and what is it you want to learn how to do. Once you have your focus, you will be surprised how quickly the expert or experts you need will appear.

Live Life,
Bert Oliva

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