Bert Oliva


By Bert Oliva


If a surgeon came out after performing a surgery on your loved one and told you, “I almost did the procedure correctly,” how would you feel? Almost does not cut it. Yet, how often do we settle for almost in our own lives?

So many of us spend so much of our time “almost” getting things right. We don’t push that extra half hour, that one extra call, that one extra sit up. We let ourselves off the hook. Instead of paying attention to details, we just write off our mistakes or “almost’s” with “next times.” But what happens when there isn’t a next time?

We only get one shot in this life, and that one shot is NOW. Now is the time to focus on the details and now is the time to push with everything you’ve got. Awareness is necessary for success. It is time for each of us to focus our attention on the details so we can get to the next level. I will see you there.

1) What is one thing you need to put your attention to right now to get to the next level?

2) Make a list of the details that need to be addressed for that one thing.

3) Meticulously go down that list of details and address each one until you have accomplished your task.

Live Life,
Bert Oliva

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Bert Oliva


By Bert Oliva


I’ll do better tomorrow. I’ll do better tomorrow. Tomorrow. Tomorrow…

The days flip by like a page-a-day calendar. At the end of each day, we tell ourselves “I’ll do better tomorrow,” rip off the page, and toss it. But what happens the day when there isn’t a new fresh page? When there isn’t a tomorrow?

As cliché as it may sound, tomorrow truly is not promised. This evening is not promised. Your next breath isn’t promised.

It’s time to start making the most of every moment you have on this earth, because, believe me, it will be shorter than you think it will be. We all waste so much time worrying and putting off and wishing and complaining that we forget to live. We forget to enjoy every moment and make the most of every moment.

The time to do better is now. That’s NOW. Not tomorrow, or next week, but right this very moment.

1) Make a list of three things you can do this week to change your quality of life.

2) Choose one of these things, set a deadline for yourself, and do it.

3) Tackle the second item on your list. And then the third.

Live Life,
Bert Oliva

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