Bert Oliva

A Family Affair

By Bert Oliva


For several years now I have been friends with a very special family, the Bretoneche’s. They are special because I have never met such a tight family that all live for one dream. Their dream is to make their Nathalie a SUPERSTAR; she will be the next Shakira.

Her father Julio told me that he would do anything in the world, including sell his assets to make sure she makes it to the top. What dedication. Also, her twin sister is the choreographer and her older sister is the manager.

They have worked so hard to make sure she gets her album done and record launched this Wednesday. This family has had this goal, this dream turn into a reality. Pushing, crying, fighting and loving it into their lives. This is how you make your dreams come true, it is never easy but when you focus, you can make your dreams a reality. To make sure she does not get lost along the way her family contracted me, to coach her and guide her to make sure that fame, fortune and friends do not hinder her growth and keep her two feet tightly grounded.

I wanted to share this story with you because I wish for all of you out there that have a dream or a big goal in your lives, make sure to explain it in detail to your family and have them support you. I want you to push, push some more and when you think you cannot push any more, push harder.

Until next time.



“You can always give in, you can always give out, but don’t ever give up.” – Bert Oliva

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