Bert Oliva

What Do People Really Think About You?

By Bert Oliva


How often do you do things to please other people? How often do you find yourself making choices based on what others will think? It’s time for you to stand on your own two feet. You are talented, innovative, and full of potential. Why are you allowing what other people think to hold you back?

Until you own your choices and decisions—until you fully choose your actions based on your own belief system—you will never achieve the greatness that is inside of you. Stop allowing the judgments of others to weigh you down from your true destiny.

Remember, no matter what you choose to do, people are going to judge you anyways. So stop worrying so much about what others think and start worrying about you what you think. The only person that truly matters when it comes to the actions and decisions in your life is you. Start living your life for you.

Live Life,
Bert Oliva


  1. Trevor Reneau  April 12, 2016

    Great one Bert, this is so true.


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