Bert Oliva

Your Attitude

By Bert Oliva


Today is going to be a great day. Today is already a great day.

Repeat those two phrases aloud to yourself. Tell your friends, your family, your coworkers.

Believe those phrases. Truly take them in and know that today is a great day.

Once you truly internalize those messages, you will be amazed at how truly great your day is.

We are all made out of energy. When we start our day with positive affirmations like the two first sentences and we truly believe those affirmations, our energy gets positively charged, and we share that energy to the world.

Try one or all of these PowerTools™:

  • Play your favorite song to wake up each morning (please make sure the lyrics are not saying contradictory things, as your subconscious will pick up on it).
  • Pick a saying of the week and every time you feel a negative thought coming say it out loud.
  • Take your cell phone or smart device and program a positive affirmation with an alarm to notify you at least 6 times a day.

At the end of the week, review your week. Was it a much better week than last week? Did anything really change besides your attitude?

Your attitude equals your multitude. Have an abundant week.

Live Life,
Bert Oliva

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