How often do you find yourself closing your eyes wishing whatever experience you’re in goes away faster? Wishing that the miracle that you have been waiting for was already here? Wishing to get off the roller coaster of emotions and events that you have been going through and just get back on solid ground?
Here’s the thing. Situations and circumstances do not happen on our terms. They happen as they are meant to happen in order to get us ready for what is about to come. Yes, that can be frustrating at times. I know there are moments when I just want to close my eyes and wish myself into next week or even next month, but life doesn’t work that way.
Life is not solid ground. Life is a ride, with ups and downs and some plateaus in between. Many people I know get off the ride right before they are about to make it big or hit the goal they have been working towards for years. Why? Because it’s hard. But, no one said it would be easy. And everything worth something in this world is worth working for. Moreover, a lot of the fun is the ride to get to our destination, not the destination itself.
It’s time we stop white-knuckling life, closing our eyes and wishing ourselves off of our ride. Instead, let’s all keep our eyes open. Not every twist and turn will be fun, but as long as you have hope, it will be an experience you’ll never forget and you will get to where you were meant to be.
1) The next time you find yourself wishing to fast forward through part of your life, write down what you have to look forward to in the next hour, day, or week. If you can not think of anything to look forward to, look harder. It can be as simple as having a good cup of coffee or sharing a joke with a coworker. We all have things to look forward to. And sometimes, the smallest ones are the best.
2) Throughout this time, keep looking back at your list and focus on these positive things. Whenever you find yourself wanting to skip ahead, re-focus your attention on these good things.
3) As the time passes, look back at your list and add to it. What else happened that you would have missed out on? Realize how many good things happen in your life on a daily basis that you take for granted. Remember, if you don’t think every day is a good day, just try missing one.
Live Life,
Bert Oliva